We at Lax Enterprises realize that the most important person in the world is you,
the customer. That is why we are more concerned than ever about your health.
Did you know that 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects due to stress?
- 75-90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints or disorders.
- Stress has been linked to all the leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents,
cirrhosis, and suicide.
- An estimated 1 million workers are absent on an average workday because of stress related complaints. Stress is said
to be
responsible for more than half of the 550,000,000 workdays lost annually because of absenteeism.
- A three-year study conducted by a large corporation showed that 60% of employee absences were due to psychological
problems such as stress.
- Nearly half of all American workers suffer from symptoms of burnout, a disabling reaction to stress on the job.
We are very aware of the preceeding statistics, and that is why we have provided this stress relieving
If you would like something to read while you are enjoying the above video clip, click here.
The above statistics were taken from stress.org
The text is the original work of the authors and was found in public domain.